Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boston University Match Recap by Team Menbers Margarita Krivitski '11 and Rachel Gottleib '09

After fueling up at a team breakfast at 7:45am, we took the very short trip over to neighboring Boston University and began warming up at around 9am. Intrigued by the inclined track around the courts many of us took a few laps of exploration, followed by light jogging and a dynamic warm-up. We hit for about an hour, working on adjusting to the different, slower surface until introductions and the official beginning of the match. The doubles matches were all extremely close and well-fought, with many great points played by each team. Though we lost the doubles point we went into the singles determined to fight hard and play our best tennis.

The first four singles went on in an atmosphere of high intensity and Beier was quick to take advantage of the mood, playing decisive tennis and getting us on the scoreboard. Laura played a tough three-set match, playing great defense and fighting hard to pull out the third set 6-1. Stephanie and Cat both battled hard, making both of their matches particularly tight and exciting. Lizzie and Sam went on court next, with Lizzie playing solid tennis from the baseline throughout her match and Sam introducing variety, especially drop shots, throughout her two-set win. Though we lost the match 3-4, we definitely grew as a team and learned many lessons that will carry us forward in our season. We are all excited to continue working hard in practice and look forward to the matches to come.
~ Rachel and Margarita

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